Effective Hit & Run Attorney Defending Pocatello Residents
When the unexpected happens, it is normal to panic and react without thinking. Drivers who were distracted, intoxicated, or simply daydreaming may suddenly collide with a parked vehicle, a piece of property or a pedestrian. This sudden collision can trigger a panicked reaction, prompting the driver to leave the scene. Unfortunately, this is considered a hit and run, which can lead to a misdemeanor or even a felony charge. If you have been charged with a hit-and-run misdemeanor or felony, contact an accomplished criminal defense attorney as soon as possible to protect yourself and your future.
This Disorienting Time Calls for Sound Legal Representation
Under Idaho state law, if you cause damage to another vehicle or property and flee the scene, you can be charged with a misdemeanor and your license may be revoked for one year. If you injure or kill another person and then leave the scene without providing your information, you will likely face a felony charge, which carries penalties of license revocation, jail time and/or steep fines. Fortunately, there is help available to you during this difficult time. Attorney Ron Tyler Bird, Esq. is a former deputy prosecutor with over 25 years of experience defending Idaho residents facing misdemeanor and felony charges related to hit-and-run accidents. Ron listens closely to each and every client, giving them the attention and care they deserve. With a forceful lawyer like Ron by your side, you can rest assured that your rights and your freedom are being protected.
Quality Hit & Run Legal Help Awaits You—Call Now
Bird Law Offices knows how easy it is to make one mistake and panic. However, do not let this one lapse in judgment destroy the rest of your life. Whatever the particulars of your case are, Attorney Ron Tyler Bird, Esq. is here to help develop the strongest legal strategy possible in your defense. We help good people in bad situations. Contact our office as soon as possible to ensure hope for your future.