Committed Battery & Assault Attorney Defending Jerome Residents
An assault and battery conviction can carry weighty consequences that could negatively impact your future prospects. If you or a loved one is currently facing an assault and battery charge, you need tough and dependable legal representation as soon as possible. Since 1996, Bird Law Offices has been helping Jerome residents handle their assault and battery cases and secure a favorable outcome. Call today to schedule a free case evaluation with a trusted and experienced criminal defense attorney.
Don’t Let One Mistake Ruin Your Life
Criminal defense attorney Ron Tyler Bird, Esq. understands that people can become emotional and end up acting in a way that they later regret. He believes that a mistake that occurs in the heat of the moment should not define you and prevent you from enjoying a bright future. Don’t let an assault and battery conviction take away your rights and freedoms. Contact Bird Law Offices today to get started.
Legal Help For Good People in Bad Situation
For over 25 years, Bird Law Offices has helped numerous clients just like you overcome these difficult legal hurdles. With Ron as your attorney, you will always feel heard, respected, and understood, and you can trust that your best interests will be protected. Call Bird Law Offices today to secure the high-quality legal representation you deserve.