Dedicated Misdemeanor Defense for Idaho Falls Residents
If you’ve made a poor choice that’s become a misdemeanor, you have to live with the consequences—but it doesn’t have to ruin your life. And if you think you’ve been charged unjustly, it will pay off for you to get a reliable legal representation for your case. Attorney Ron Tyler Bird, Esq. can help. Ron is former deputy prosecutor, so he understands legal strategy from both sides of the courtroom. He’s got the patience, skills and savvy to help protect your rights.
Helping Good People in Bad Situations in Idaho Falls
Aren’t misdemeanors considered less significant than felonies? Yes, but they can still have consequences that aren’t immediately apparent. Your misdemeanor conviction can result in fines, probation, or even jail time. That’s along with potential complications in any child custody case you’re in or if you’re looking for a job. Judges can also elevate your misdemeanor to a felony, and that can threaten your rights and freedoms. You can act to avoid any life-changing penalties and protect your rights—call a reliable criminal defense attorney today.
Act Now to Deal With Your Misdemeanor Charge
Attorney Ron Tyler Bird, Esq. has defended Idaho Falls clients with their misdemeanor cases for over 25 years. So he’s got keen insight into how to get you a favorable outcome. If you or a loved one is facing a misdemeanor charge, call us immediately to make sure you’re meeting your hearing and paperwork deadlines.