Diligent Attorney Serving Burley Residents With Their Probation Violation Cases
Idaho has severe probation violation laws that can put you in jeopardy if you violate your parole. When you violate your probation, the court can reinstate any part of the sentence that it suspended as part of your original indictment. That can entail being incarcerated for months or possibly years. But with an attorney by your side who can defend your rights, you may be able to either reduce your violation sentence, or possibly help keep you out of jail completely.
In Idaho, the state enjoys a lower burden of proof in probation violation cases than in other areas of the law. So it’s imperative that you retain a highly experienced attorney like Ron Tyler Bird, Esq. Ron doesn’t just defend clients in court hearings—he can also help clients with proactive strategies that can include enrolling in anger management programs or drug and alcohol rehab.
Withheld Judgment or Clearing Your Record
If you’ve been granted a Withheld Judgment, violating your probation could put it in jeopardy. The court may potentially reimplement the maximum sentence on the underlying case, which would likely surpass any punishment resulting the probation violation itself. In addition, if you’re in the middle of trying to remove a conviction from your criminal record, a probation violation could derail that process. To help increase your chances of avoiding incarceration or clearing your record, it’s imperative to get an attorney who will fight for your rights and your future.