Determined, Aggressive Defense Services on Probation Violation Cases in Blackfoot
Because of Idaho’s severe probation violation laws, being charged with violating your probation can put you in a lot of risk. If you violate your parole, a judge can sentence you to any of the sentence that the court suspended as part of your original indictment—which can mean spending months or even years in prison. Having a lawyer by your side to defend your rights could either lower your violation sentence or possibly help keep you out of jail altogether.
Ways to Get Help in Blackfoot
Probation violation cases requires a lower burden of proof on the state than in other areas of the law, so it’s essential that you get the help of a highly experienced attorney and former prosecutor like Ron Tyler Bird, Esq. Ron doesn’t narrow his duties to simply defending his clients in a responsive way in court hearings. He can help clients with proactive approaches in their defense that can include enrolling in programs for anger management, drug and alcohol rehab, anti-theft and other.
Withheld Judgment or Clearing Your Record
If you’ve previously been granted a Withheld Judgment, admitting to a probation violation could put it in jeopardy, and the judge may reinstate the maximum sentence on the underlying case. That could possibly outweigh any punishment associated with the probation violation itself. Also, a probation violation could endanger your chances of removing a conviction from your criminal record. In any case, in order to help retain your hopes of either staying out of detainment or clearing your record, it’s imperative to get a law professional who will fight for your future.