Experienced Misdemeanor Defense for Rexburg Residents
Sometimes a mistake you make becomes a misdemeanor—but it doesn’t have to ruin your life. And if you think you’ve been falsely charged, you’ll benefit greatly by getting dependable legal help with your misdemeanor case. As a former deputy prosecutor, Ron Tyler Bird, Esq. understands that beating a misdemeanor takes a steady dedication to protecting your rights.
Helping Good People in Bad Situations in Rexburg
Misdemeanors are less major than felonies, but they can have unforeseen consequences. A misdemeanor conviction can result in a jail sentence, monetary restitution and probation. It can also create complications in any child custody case you may be involved in or in your job searches. Furthermore, courts can potentially elevate your misdemeanor to a felony, thus putting your rights and freedoms at risk. In dealing with your misdemeanor charge, you take action to avoid any life-changing penalties. Make sure your rights are protected—call a professional criminal defense attorney today.
Now is the Time to Act on Your Misdemeanor Charge
Attorney Ron Tyler Bird, Esq. has defended Rexburg clients for over 25 years. So he has keen intuition about how to mitigate damage from a misdemeanor case. If you or someone you love is facing a misdemeanor charge, you should call immediately to ensure you’re meeting your hearing and paperwork deadlines.